Keywords and descriptions must accurately represent what is on the page. Infoseek penalizes pages that use
- Use of keywords that do not relate to the content of the site
- Use of fast meta refresh
- Overuse or repetition of keywords
- Use of colored text on same-color background
- Use of different pages that bridge to the same URL
- Duplication of pages with different URLs
Use a title with your keywords in it, make sure they are repeated in the keyword and description meta tags as well. Use synonyms rather than repeating the keywords over and over.
Over-repetition will result in a lower relevancy score and possible exclusion from the index.
If you do not include a description tag, Infoseek will pull the description from the body of the page.
There are certain domains and circumstances under which Infoseek does not add via the Add-URL feature. These include, among other things, submissions of more than 50 pages, sites on
Geocities, AOL, and Tripod.
For these, you will want to send email to
If you have waited at least six weeks for a submitted Web site to be indexed, you can appeal the rejection. Send an email to
Include the Web site's full address in the e-mail and a full explanation of why you think the site should be reconsidered.
Infoseek indexes all the visible text, Alt tags in image statements, keywords and description meta tags but not HTML comments.
Aside from the search engine, Infoseek offers the Go Network, another human-edited directory. Part of this review process includes tagging the site in the index so that it will appear
higher than a similarly designed site that hasn't been reviewed. There is no submission page for the Go Network. You need to send an email to them url
Some of the reasons Infoseek will refuse to list you are:
- Describing pages with words which misrepresent the content of the site.
- Submitting sites with adult-oriented content via the Add URL feature.
- Submitting over 50 pages per day through the "Add Url" form.
- Submitting a single URL more than once in a 24-hour period via the Add URL feature.
- Submitting a site using the Meta Refresh tag.
- Repeating the keyword too many times.
- Submitting pages using high speed automated or robotic batch submissions tools.
- Submitting a page that employs such practices as trapping or serving unsolicited pages.
- Submitting a page which contains text on your page which is the same color as the background in order to hide keywords.
- Submitting duplicate pages with different URL's.
- Using different pages that bridge to the same URL, or redirects.
- What Will Infoseek Index? Titles, meta tags, and frequency of keywords in text.
- How Long Will It Take? Up to 6 weeks.
- How Many Pages Do I Submit? Main pages.
- What Meta Tags Does Infoseek Support? Title, description, and keyword tags.
- How Long Can I Make My Tags? Title: 75 characters, Description: 200 characters, Keyword: 1,000.
- Does It Support Alt Tags? Yes.
- Are Searches on Infoseek Case Sensitive? Yes.
- Is There Anything Else I Should Know? Infoseek recommends
using individual keywords rather than keyword phrases in the keyword tag. It reads the root word, so you need only include one form of the same word. Don't list the same keyword more than 3 times in your
keyword tag, as after that, there is a penalty. Instead, use synonyms.