Humans Are Doing It Better The Open Directory
Project, which I featured in the last issue of S.E.L.L., now has 818,771 sites, 14,233 editors, and 138,212 categories.Dead links? Irrelevant entries in categories? Nearly unheard of, since the volunteer editors, in
a nearly appalling show of passion toward both the directory and their selected categories, constantly check links and update description information. This is still the most efficient place to submit a site, since the
review time is short and the information goes to more search engines every day. Add to that the fact that there is a feedback form to the editors of every single category, which simplifies the process of finding out
"where you went wrong," and you have a seriously effective database of sites. The argument still rages on internally as to who the "client" is: searcher or submitter. But that keeps things in
balance, and both end up being served. |